Fundraising Events
During the year, the Bud Flanagan Leukaemia Fund holds
various fund-raising events, which vary from year to year. Our regular
events include:
Sponsors and Fund Raising
The Fund has no
permanent endowments; funds are raised through specific fund raising events,
sponsorship and gifts.
The Bud Flanagan Leukaemia
Fund has been favoured by many sponsors of our work over the years
and we thank them all for their generous support. However, we are continually looking for
new sponsors
and would welcome any who believe in the constant need to support research,
diagnosis and the treatment of leukaemia.
In particular, individuals can make their donations tax efficient by the use of Gift
Recent sponsors include:
The Jaguar
Collection Exclusive range of luxury goods KAL Management
Group Engineering and construction Grand Order of Water Rats
Amplification Sound systems Joe Goodman Comedian
Shirley Park Golf Course Golf
Still Luigi's
Restaurant Restaurant Property World Limited Property
agents Allied Irish Bank (GB) Bank
Aerial & Satellite Services Limited Aerials Rothschild
Charitable Foundation Charity
Projects Funded
Within the criteria
defined by the Executive Committee for making grants,
the following projects have been recently funded:
Royal Marsden
Hospital £1,000,000
Bud Flanagan Ward
Northwick Park
Hospital £50,000
Equipping a leukaemic cubicle in the new children's ward
Royal Marsden
Hospital £101,000
Multicolour FISH system for use in the understanding and use of the
genetic code in leukaemia cells as a marker of disease activity and response
Royal Marsden
Hospital £100,000
Research Fellowship for two years intensive research trials testing new
drugs in Phase I & 2 studies.
Institute of
Cancer Research £97,500
Research into the human the geno and the genetic susceptibility to Acute
Myeloid Leukaemia
Fergus Maclay
Leukaemia Data Base £100,000
Analytical support to upgrade a unique data base for eventual dissemination on
the world wide web
Bath Cancer
Research £6,500
Funding towards a vacuum concentrator for use in drug sensitivity testing
support the Bud Flanagan Leukaemia Fund
The Fund relies totally on donations to continue its work as it receives no
official funding.
You can make a donation:
By sending a cheque or postal order to the BFLF office.
Or by completing a Gift
Aid Declaration form
You can increase your donation by an amount equal to the basic rate of income tax.
Please print off the Gift Aid Form and post it back to:
The Bud Flanagan Leukaemia
by the Executive Committee & The General Secretary Julie Rudland-Wood
10 Royal Sovereign View.
Eastbourne. BN23 6EQ
The Bud Flanagan Leukaemia Fund